Earth Love

(de) Performance and Film
Graz-Umgebung (2020/21)



Markus Jeschaunig, Earth Love (2020)

In the era of the Anthropocene, the philosopher Bruno Latour tries to reverse the thrust: the terrestrial is supposed to become the subject of human thought and action in the age of man-made climate crises, because “the physical framework that moderns had considered secure, the ground to whom their story had always played out has faltered ”(Facing Gaia). Markus Jeschaunig translates this approach into an artistic-performative act in which, as an Earthling, he creates a tender momentum that breaks the boundaries of time and space: an outcry in love with a lot of emotion that wants to shake up thinking and acting.

Exhibition: QL-Galerie, Leechgasse 24, 8010 Graz
20.4. – 22.05.2021

Opening: Tue, 20. 04.2021
Timeframe 17:00–20:00, artist and curator are present (or online)

During the opening, the central element of the exhibition – the performance video EARTH LOVE – is going to be on public view at the website

Artist Talk: Fri, 23. 04.2021, 18:00
Artist Talk with Markus Jeschaunig (artist) and Darrel Toulon (Movement Director),
moderated by curator Alois Kölbl (online via zoom)

Film Credits:

Idea, Performance: Markus Jeschaunig
Kamera, Schnitt: Jura Branellec
Movement Director: Darrel Toulon
Music: Michael Eisl
Assistance: Wilma Calisir
Photography: Lena Prehal

Suported by: KHG Graz, Land Steiermark Kultur